Select two swing videos and stack them on top of each other in order to compare two swings.
In this example video bellow the regular swing trace is from a 7 iron and the orange swing tracer is from a 5 iron. A great way to compare the two swings using different clubs or even different players! Just make sure you film the two swings from the exact same position and the shots are hit from the same position.
This is an awesome feature when you are on the golf round and you want to film many Shot Tracer! Simply record from the Shot Tracer app and activate the "LANDING" button. After you finished recording the shot a new window will open asking you to mark the landing spot of that shot.
Tap on the screen where the ball landed and then press done. You will return to the recording window to start your next video recording. The landing spot is now saved in your video file. After the round simply select the video file and you will notice that the landing spot is pre-set to where you saved it.
Choose the identical color of your clothes to match the Shot Tracer line by pointing on the desired color in the video.

Found in the options tab of the Shot Tracer editor, you can now add a string of videos to the exported final video. You can simply add another video and include the previous tracer line in that video or exclude the previous tracer line. Auto trim also works for the individual videos so there is no need to trim videos or use an external video editor anymore to compile multiple tracers into one video.
Currently you can not add shadow and distance input into mutli tracers but in the next update this will be also made possible.